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The worst happened yesterday, my precious Prius way violated at Safeway and they took my baby! (By baby I mean my Macbook air that I had since college) and my smartphone. For the last 48 hours I have been without a phone and I realized how I rely on my phone to authenticate my identity. I cannot log into my apple ID without a 2-factor authorization which is problem because without my phone I cannot restore my new laptop to it’s time machine back-up. Thankfully, I have an external hard drive that has all my college work on it but I didn’t back it up since I started at UW this spring. All my work is on GitHub but my computer is empty which means that I am starting over from scratch with Jupyter Notebook. Maybe it will be a good exercise going through installing homebrew and kallisto again, so... [Read More]
Tags: update

Goals for August

August 2021 goals -finish procedure for Citrate-Synthase Assay, start testing samples when the kit arrives -plan for next experiment with Steven on oyster breeding -catch up on all coding homework -watch the rest of the OLYMPICS for inspiration -think about TA positions for next school year -think about what classes I want to register for in the Autumn
Tags: update