Building an Index
#download data from server with curl --insecure -O x.fastq.gz
#load kallisto
#cd kallisto/tests
#kallisto index -i transcripts.idx transcripts.fasta.gz
cd /home/shared/kallisto/test
/home/shared/kallisto/kallisto \
index -i ~/data/transcriptome_v5.idx /home/olivia/x.fasta
kallisto quant -i transcripts.idx -o output -b 100 reads_1.fastq.gz reads_2.fastq.gz
#The run_info.json file contains a summary of the run, including data on the number targets used for quantification, and the number of bootstraps performed
Upload .idx file and output_1 file to Gannet
git status
git add file_name
git commit -m "note"
git status
rsync -avP
#enter gannet PW
#push to github, check file size to make sure you don't over commit!
run_info.json file
"n_targets": 1363959,
"n_bootstraps": 100,
"n_processed": 4005095,
"n_pseudoaligned": 2902511,
"n_unique": 909186,
"p_pseudoaligned": 72.5,
"p_unique": 22.7,
"kallisto_version": "0.46.1",
"index_version": 10,
"start_time": "Wed Oct 13 12:32:21 2021",
"call": "/home/shared/kallisto/kallisto quant -i /home/olivia/data/transcriptome_v5.idx -o /home/olivia/analyses/output_01 -b 100 /home/olivia/Trueseq-stranded-mRNA-libraries-GeoRNA8-H1-NR021_S5_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz /home/olivia/Trueseq-stranded-mRNA-libraries-GeoRNA8-H1-NR021_S5_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz"